The negative balance of excess food is to have plenty of calories.
After excess food or excessive food it will be necessary to compensate for the differences in order not to gain weight (fat mass or detriment of muscle mass).
The hard part begins then, and it will be necessary to show motivation and common sense.
Food Excesses Must Be Compensated
The holiday or holiday period, conducive to all gourmet excesses, has passed, it is time to take stock. Many of us have been overeating tempted by very big budget marketing campaigns. We want to please and have fun, we eat everything and anything, in too large a quantity. We reduce our physical activities, we temporarily stop our favorite sport, we chain dishes on dishes, we multiply excesses of all kinds.
Avoid drastic and unsuitable diets
If you are among those who have gained a few pounds or are forced to loosen their belts in order to put on pants, don't despair. All is not lost if you follow these tips.
First of all, we must avoid the classic pitfalls of "turnkey" diets that we offer during these periods and where we promise "lose 4 pounds in less than a week ..". The goal is not to lose pounds but not to gain more by following too drastic or inappropriate a diet.
It is necessary to eliminate, gently, the few extra pounds before they settle down definitively. The first measure to consider is to stop all excesses which is not very difficult in itself since outside the holiday season, the context is less favorable to temptations. We have less time to devote to ourselves.
Simple dietary balancing and sporting practice are sometimes enough
To regain its initial weight, as much as possible, delicatessen meats, sweets, chocolates, desserts, alcohol, etc.
We will favor fish and lean meats in reasonable quantities!
We will prefer low-fat foods such as lean yogurt and fruit, Swiss puffs, cottage cheese.
Use aspartame lollipops to sweeten coffee and other foods. Eat fruit instead of a sweet dessert.
All fermentation products which swell or irritate the stomach and intestine must be prohibited from food: cucumber, leeks, cabbage, pulses, Roquefort, Munster, strong spices ...
As soon as you can, make digestive herbal teas, buy yogurts that contain natural agents that capture toxins or rebalance the intestinal flora (bifidus ..). Also remember to take ultra yeast in capsules to regenerate the intestinal flora.
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